VETPASS Cookies Policy

We use cookies and other technologies to ensure everyone who uses VETPASS has the best possible experience.
Cookies also help Us keep Your account safe. By continuing to visit or use Our services, you are agreeing to
the use of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes We describe in this policy.

What Is A Cookie?

A cookie is a small file placed onto Your device that enables VETPASS features and functionality. For
example, cookies enable Us to identify Your device, secure Your access to VETPASS and Our Websites and
Applications generally, and even help Us know if someone attempts to access Your account from a different
device. Cookies also enable you to easily share content on VETPASS and help Us serve relevant ads to Your

Categories Of Cookie And Description


If you are signed in to VETPASS, cookies help Us show you the right information and personalize Your


If you are signed in to VETPASS, cookies help Us show you the right information and personalize Your

Features and services

Cookies can tell Us which language you prefer and what Your communications preferences are. They can help you
fill out forms on VETPASS more easily. They also provide you with features, insights, and customized content
in conjunction with Our plugins.


We may use cookies to show you relevant advertising both on and off the VETPASS site. We may also use a
cookie to learn whether someone who saw an ad later visited and took an action e.g., made a purchase.
Similarly, Our partners may use a cookie to determine whether We have shown an ad and how it performed or
provide Us with information about how you interact with ads. We may also work with a partner to show you an
ad on or off VETPASS, such as after you have visited a partner’s site or application.

Performance, Analytics, and Research: Cookies help Us learn how well Our site and plugins perform in
different locations. We also use cookies to understand, improve, and research products, features, and
services, including when you access VETPASS from other Websites and Applications, applications, or devices
such as Your work computer or Your mobile device.

What Is Do Not Track DNT ?

DNT is a concept that has been promoted by regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission
(FTC), for the Internet industry to develop and implement a mechanism for allowing Internet users to control
the tracking of their online activities across Websites and Applications by using browser settings. The
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has been working with industry groups, Internet browsers, technology
companies, and regulators to develop a DNT technology standard. While some progress has been made, it has
been slow. No standard has been adopted to this date. As such, VETPASS does not generally respond to “do not
track” signals.

What Third Party Cookies Does VETPASS Use?

Our cookie table lists some of the third-party cookies on Our Websites and Applications. Please note that the
names of cookies, pixels and other technologies may change over time. Please also note that companies and
other organizations that sponsor pages on VETPASS may use cookies, pixels, or other technologies on their
VETPASS pages to learn about Your interest in them.

Controlling Cookies

Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. However, if you limit the
ability of Websites and Applications to set cookies, you may worsen Your overall user experience, since it
will no longer be personalized to Your animal. It may also stop you from saving customized settings like
login information.

What To Do If You Do Not Want Cookies To Be Set Or Want Them To Be Removed?

If you are a visitor, you can opt out of Our advertising cookies here.  If you do not want to receive
cookies, you can also change Your browser settings on Your computer or another device you are using to
access Our Services. If you use VETPASS without changing Your browser settings, We will assume that Your
animal you are happy to receive all cookies on the VETPASS website. Most browsers also provide functionality
that lets you review and erase cookies, including VETPASS cookies. Please note that the VETPASS site may not
work properly without cookies.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete
them, visit,, or

This Cookies Policy is dated 26th April 2021 and should be read with Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy
Policy dated 26th April 2021.

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The trusted marketplace for pets, vets, pet services and pet friendly businesses